Native title boss gets domestic violence order



A Domestic Violence Order was given to Shane Lindner, the chairman of Lhere Artepe, the Alice Springs native title organisation, designed to be the prime representative body for town’s Arrernte people.

He may seek re-election at the corporation’s annual general meeting understood to be held tomorrow.

The “interim order until further order of the court” restrains Mr Lindner from “causing harm or attempting or threatening to cause harm to the Protected Person/s; causing damage to property, or attempting or threatening to cause damage to property of the Protected Person/s; intimidating or harassing or verbally abusing the Protected Person/s; stalking the Protected Person/s.

The order was given in the Local Court on January 12.

The police Commander Southern Command, Craig Laidler, expressed extreme concern at a media conference yesterday about domestic violence featuring prominently in the region’s crime statistics.

The Alice Springs News is seeking comment from Lhere Artepe.

In the corporation’s general report for the year ending June 30, 2020, the latest available, Lhere Artepe had the following members, the first three being the estate groups making up the organisation: The Antulye, Irlpme and Mparntwe Aboriginal corporations, and Alan Campbell, Fabian Conway, Marie Ellis, Felicity Hayes, Peter Liddle, William Liddle, Shane Lindner, Pater Palmer and current acting CEO Graham Smith.

The organisation had an income of $416,636; no grants; total expenditure of $375,919; value of current assets $3.8m; value of non-current assets $696,226; total current liabilities $122,460 and total non-current liabilities $253,534.

VIDEO: Mr Lindner leaving the court house after an earlier appearance for a different matter and confronting Editor Erwin Chlanda.

UPDATE 12 noon: Mr Smith says Lhere Artepe would not comment.

UPDATE 7.45pm February 27: Mr Smith says the AGM has been postponed to March 13 with consent from the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations (ORIC).


  1. Complaint after complaint about the LAAC chairman and violence is only one of them.
    LAAC is a bit like a grog / drug / violence rehabilitation service that’s not working!

  2. I noticed the words “causing damage to property” in the main body of the above article.
    I could take you to almost every remote community in Australia and you and the world can clearly see “damage to property” in abundance. Alice is no different, so it seems.

  3. Allen, Allen we are talking of a chair person. Have you evidence that a chair of these communities were involved. Please name and show the world.

  4. The other point where are the 21 days notice for the Estate Groups and the Lhere Artepe AGM. More breaches.

  5. Well, Russell, notices were sent out with 21 days notice given. Get your facts right!
    You were not notified as you are not a member. More whining from you which is expected.
    As for the story in general, again, more whining and misleading, very racist as it appears everything Aboriginal gets negative criticism in this blog website. True colors are shown here.
    Anything positive to say about anything in this space??? Anyone?????

  6. Readers will note that we offered Graeme Smith the right of reply to our report about Lhere Artepe. He rejected that offer, saying the native title organisation would make no comment.
    Now he is making derogatory comments about the Alice Springs News without any corroboration. We reject them.
    Erwin Chlanda, Editor.

  7. @ Graeme Smith: I disagree, in that I find the reporting in the Alice Springs News to be very even handed. Can’t say the same of some of the comments.
    @ Erwin: I think the gratuitous clip of the chairman leaving the court house (which adds nothing to the story) wasn’t up to your usual high standard.

  8. I don’t see anything racist in the tones of Erwin’s story. What I do read is that the Chairman of LAAC has been given a order that has been issued because of bad behaviour.
    In a time when DVs are out of control amongst Aboriginal people and knowing that this person is in a position of power and trust, why would you defend the man and his behavior? He has abused it.
    Step down Shane!
    Racist … pull the other one!

  9. Graeme: I spoke with Fabian, the chair of Ilpme, today and he said never received any notice.
    Nothing on CAAMA nor Imparja. There are thousands of Arunta cultural people, not just members. A bit of history: We are Perkins come Bray.


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